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A big basement,ghd, Ouyang bell hands take a two-edged ax weighing 16 pounds, whipped up and down, ax shadow and groaning in front of more than twenty stakes instantly cut to pieces catechesis and the one place! Axe shadow of a collection, Ouyang bell was exposed stature to, keep the chest up and down, his face flushed risking a fine sweat. Staring at a pile of wood fragments, Ouyang bell does not seem very satisfied: too slow! The ax thrown on the ground, The Ouyang bell wipe the sweat from his face out of the basement!

Fat man carrying a lot of things, tough walking in the snow, a small strides, for fear of accidentally fell out a big somersault. After a lot of hard work, finally fat 'climb' to Chu Jie in front of the house and rang the bell. Chu Jie seems to have been waiting for the fat man. Doorbell has always been they quickly opened the door, quickly took the hands of fat things, a look of embarrassed, said: are you tired now! Come sit! Fat gasping for a two-tone, Bade said: No, ghd straighteners have to go home?

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